Am I too young for a hip replacement?

People today are living longer than ever. The bad news is that our joints, particularly our hips, haven’t been able to keep up with the wear and tear of ageing as well as the strain from obesity and the high impact physical activities that are becoming more common.
Today it’s common for younger people to turn to hip replacement surgery to help them get back to doing the things they love, pain-free.
While the mean age of people undergoing hip replacement surgery has plummeted to mid to late 60’s, there has been a huge increase in men and women under 55 turning to a hip replacement to help get them moving again.
Many patients who are younger still (young adults and teenagers) have turned to hip replacements to help with pain caused by childhood hip problems or significant injury or stress to the hips.
There are a few reasons that the average age of patients undertaking a hip replacement has lowered:
- With the advancement of hip replacement surgery (such as robotic-assisted surgery) and prosthetic technology, surgeons are able to place a hip implant more accurately. Therefore, a hip replacement today can last up to 30years.
- 60 has become the new 50! Due to health and medical advancements, people aged 60 are still at their prime of life and living every moment to the full. They want to stay active so they can enjoy retirement and time with their grandchildren, and a hip replacement can give them the new lease on life they are looking for.
- A major reason for the increase in hip replacements is osteoarthritis, which is a form of arthritis. Caused by injury or obesity, it is believed that by 2050 an estimated 7million Australians will be affected by osteoarthritis*. Many of the people who experience this disease do so while they are still at working age.
No matter your age, a hip replacement is designed to improve your quality of life and get you back to doing the things you enjoy, pain-free.
Dr Stuart MacKenzie is one of the top orthopaedic surgeons in Newcastle and the Hunter and has used robotic-assisted technology to help patients, both young and old, to get moving again.
To read more about Mako robotic-assisted surgery, click here for his free specialist guide.
* Painful realities: The economic impact of arthritis in Australia 2007 (report by access economics PTY limited for arthritis Australia 31 July 2007).
1 Sep 2017
Published by Stuart MacKenzie